Mahieddine Cherif

I am a Senior BizTalk Consultant. I share here my notes and logs on technical subjects from EAIs to AI.

How to automate SSL Certificates install

09 Apr 2019 » biztalk, eai, experiments

Sometimes you might need to automate the SSL certificates installation, on windows you can achieve that in a simple manner with the CERTUTIL command utility

Here is a snippet of how i personally do it in a simple bat file

@echo off  
REM here i define the list of certificates to install  
SET CERT_LIST=".\Cert1Path.cer" ".\Cert2Path.cer" ".\Cert3Path.crt"   

next if you want to import them to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities on Local Machine

REM Import a certificate to the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” on Local Machine
(for %%certPath in (%CERT_LIST%) do ( 
  CERTUTIL -addstore -enterprise -f -v root %%certPath

or If you want to import them to the Trusted People on Local Machine

REM Import a certificate to the Trusted People on Local Machine
(for %%certPath in (%CERT_LIST%) do ( 
  CERTUTIL -addstore -f “TRUSTEDPEOPLE” -v root %%certPath

This bat of course can be embedded as a post install task in a msi or whatever you want based on your deployment methodology.

It’s that simple